Rejected willow's Ban Appeal

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New member
Feb 12, 2025
Username: willow

What is your Steam ID

What was the name you got banned under?

Ban Link (can't find a url for it)

Why were you banned?
I do not know why I was banned. I am also curious why I was banned permanently when I had not been given a single warning until now. I wasn't advertising anything in the server either... Earlier today someone asked me for my social media, and I said I didn't have any, but that's all I can think of. I also don't believe I've ever interacted with any admin or person named "spooky2"...

Who banned you?

Why should we unban you?
I can't really answer that until I know what I was banned for.
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Staff member
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Jun 8, 2023
You were banned for a plethora of reasons.

reasons being:

publicly claiming you are in an relationship with your sibling which mind you is illegal across all states of the US.

advertising your socials in relation to this illegal relationship on our surf server where minors frequent.

reports from multiple people saying you have been asking people if they want to watch you and your "sibling" have sex and its "okay" because you both are consenting adults.

i did digging into your whole "character" and i understand that this is some "kink" of yours and your partners but InsanityGaming will not be entertaining this and will not be having you live out your incest fantasy in our community where you are making people uncomfortable.


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Jul 18, 2023
Not PG friendly minors play on here its unacceptable.


New member
Feb 12, 2025
advertising your socials in relation to this illegal relationship on our surf server where minors frequent.
I don't remember doing that. but i mean my twitter is private now and thats the only real social i have other than twitch/yt. I also don't have any nsfw content on my twitter (as I am asexual). I can accept your follow request if you wish to browse it. I think that it is more telling that you assume a sexual connotation with my relationship than the fact that I have the relationship in the first place.

reports from multiple people saying you have been asking people if they want to watch you and your "sibling" have sex and its "okay" because you both are consenting adults.

i have never (at least to my memory's bounds) asked someone to watch me have sex with my girlfriend, i am asexual and very rarely talk about sex... It is possible I might have said something to the effect of "you seem really interested in me, talking about me all the time" or something like that when someone was harassing me on the server about being transgender (which happens almost every single time I join btw, even with moderators on.)

Also, most of the time other people bring up that I'm in a relationship with her. like today, bob brought it up when I was talking to someone else about something else. aside from that, I do not see what is wrong with consenting adults being in a consensual relationship. if you don't want me to bring it up, i can stop doing that (although I find it kind of ridiculous that I can't talk about my partner).. but most of the time I am not the one who brings up the topic. Bob likes to go on a rant about it every time anyone is somewhat friendly towards me.

Again, I don't understand why this is a permanent ban without any previous warnings. If my behavior is not acceptable to you, then tell me to change it, don't just ban me. If my personal relationship with my sister is repulsive to you, you may tell me to not speak of it on the server. It is ridiculous to allow people to harass me about a consensual relationship I have when I'm not allowed to speak of it or defend myself. If me having the relationship at all is the grounds for my ban, that's insane. People should not be banned from a server because of personal consensual life choices.


New member
Feb 12, 2025
Not PG friendly minors play on here its unacceptable.
Also wrt this, the other day I was quite literally telling people to stop talking about sex because I knew there were at least two minors in the server. I even said something like 'I have been groomed on cs surf when I was a minor through situations like this, can we please stop talking about sex, it's irresponsible and could hurt someone.'


Staff member
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Jun 8, 2023
This ban will stay permanent, we will not be looking into unbanning you anytime in the near future.

you stating you're in a relationship with your sister and actively talking about it like there is no problem with that is good enough for a ban for me.

This thread is closed and denied. 🤷‍♂️
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