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  • fishperk
    fishperk replied to the thread Rejected fishperk's Ban Appeal.
    this crazy it was a A at the end. It doesnt even sound like hard r. this is such a stretch i have a clip did not say hard r and yall...
  • spooky
    spooky replied to the thread Rejected fishperk's Ban Appeal.
    denied you literally hear the sound "er". In no way is that an "a" sound. you're banned for a day which is considerably less than i...
  • fishperk
    fishperk replied to the thread Rejected fishperk's Ban Appeal.
    ? so i got banned for saying the hard R when i didnt it was soft A and have a clip of it to prove it??. I shouldn't be banned. I was in...
    • Screenshot 2025-03-25 221838.png
  • Conejo
    Conejo replied to the thread Rejected fishperk's Ban Appeal.
    Honestly, if you were banned, I feel you were also warned prior or were being a nuisance. Clips don't give context. Needs more context...
  • fishperk
    Username: fishperk What is your Steam ID STEAM_0:0:937995048 What was the name you got banned under? fish⚡ Ban Link...
  • Retro
    Retro replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    unbanned I guess lol
  • ant
    ant reacted to Aubrey's post in the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal with Like Like.
    i unbanned because i talked with lethal and it was an unfair ban, but please refrain from bringing it up in the future
  • Aubrey
    Aubrey replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    i unbanned because i talked with lethal and it was an unfair ban, but please refrain from bringing it up in the future
  • ant
    ant replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    I wasnt in the server for that, I wouldnt get myself banned like that
  • Aubrey
    Aubrey replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    If you truly didn't know about hugh until yesterday and thought it was a joke, then it was a little unfair, but saying it right after an...
  • ant
    ant replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    i think a mute would have been a more justified punishment because I could be informed about the decision, If its possible can my ban be...
  • ant
    ant replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    not making the case that the individual deserved it, but I simply didn't know about other people being warned for it, only found out...
  • Aubrey
    Aubrey replied to the thread Unbanned ant's Ban Appeal.
    people have been warned to drop it by other admins for about 2 weeks, rob said "if it gets brought up again, it's a 1 day ban" very...
  • ant
    Username: ant What is your Steam ID STEAM_0:0:197254039 What was the name you got banned under? Homunclulus gaming Ban Link...
  • crunch
    neutral have not had any interactions with you for now I will abstain