More maps


New member
May 20, 2023
The map selection is very scarce and bad, the only good maps really are grassland nuke (used to be basement) and dust, with the majority of maps being headshot maps it leaves a really high skill ceiling for newer players, perhaps opening a map suggestion thing somewhere would help out greatly with this.

All Ts

Apr 26, 2022
We recently wiped a workshop collection off the server (some of the maps were really fucking bad, not HDR or literally had 2 spawns) and we're working on adding maps that specifically support 16 arenas (32 players) although I wish there was a way to support more arenas since the server has been doing well.

We're also in a little bit of an expansionary period so we don't have anyone specifically working on 1v1 management wise (or many admins for it). Feel free to apply for admin or let others who play the server know we're looking for them. I'll go ahead and add a dozen or so more sometime 2night bcuz you're right and it definitely sucks if people cannot get actually good quality practice in. We also can get a Map Suggestion subforum setup here.

If you have any map names, workshop or gamebanana links to maps you find to be almost a requirement, or just very good let me know. One of the main ways I scouted out a few maps was just going onto Gametracker, looking up other 1v1 servers and tossing a few of the most played maps on the server to get us started. Also! If you have any maps that you notice have too few player spawns somehow or that are really just awful overall, please suggest which ones to remove or perhaps edit (we can do that).

Thanks for the suggestion.