Reapply mgrim12's Admin Application


New member
Jul 24, 2023
West Virginia
What is your Steam ID

What name(s) do you use on the server(s)?
Mgrim1212, Grim

How old are you?

What server(s) do you normally play?
Easy Surf

Have you been banned from Insanity Gaming before?

Why do you want to be an admin?
Whenever I get off work and have lots of free time I get on steam to play games, Recently I have been really addicted to surf as the community is so fun to talk to and have conversations with, with my past experiences I just want to be there to help remove the toxicity from other people going around screaming and typing profound things. I am turning 18 in 3 weeks and figured having a higher role with a little bit more responsibility would be good for me. over all I just want to make the surf server a better place to relax and keep that negativity out. Easy surf is really fun and a good way to hang out and just relax with a bunch of different people. Toxic players like to ruin that fun and entertaining conversations. I believe that I would be a good investment to the team in helping surf be a relaxing place to chill and well... you know surf! I will not abuse my powers. I will not use them as a "powertool" over peoples heads. I'm just another gamer who just wants to enjoy their gaming sessions, and help keep the other gamers from having a bad experience.

I greatly appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read my application
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Staff member
Server Manager
Discord Booster
Jul 18, 2023
He is on a lot but I would like to see him help some of the newer surfers out a little so I will abstain for now.


New member
Jul 5, 2023
I'm going to -support and its not because of any bad reason. I just think as admins we need to be there for the people that are coming in and trying to learn as well as keeping the hostility to a minimum. I just don't ever see you actively surfing and trying to beat maps, I feel like you're kind of in there to just talk, and when conversation runs dry you leave. you're a chill person and don't cause any problems on the server, but I think that's the bare minimum and there should be more to offer when giving someone admin.


New member
Jun 29, 2023
I can't say I've had a bad interaction with you but I've also never had a great interaction either so for now abstain.


New member
Jul 24, 2023
West Virginia
I'm going to -support and its not because of any bad reason. I just think as admins we need to be there for the people that are coming in and trying to learn as well as keeping the hostility to a minimum. I just don't ever see you actively surfing and trying to beat maps, I feel like you're kind of in there to just talk, and when conversation runs dry you leave. you're a chill person and don't cause any problems on the server, but I think that's the bare minimum and there should be more to offer when giving someone admin.
I do surf and i dont usually leave when it goes quiet i usually just mute my mic, now I do not get good times on it lol but I do beat maps. im usually helping others on there with learning skips and boundaries. but i appreciate it anyways!


Jul 25, 2023
I play surf quite often, but I've honestly only seen you on like once or twice, (when I've been on.) I'm not sure if we're just on at different times but yeah. I haven't had any problems with you and honestly you seem pretty chill, just because I haven't known you enough I'm going to Abstain


A Rabbit You Admire
CSGO Admin
Better Supporter
Jun 8, 2023
I've never seen you on surf whether it be time zone or just opposite days we play. But I'm going to stick with majority as well saying you need to be more active and play more during peak times. Even dead times at the least. Don't hear you talk either...

All Ts

Apr 26, 2022
Reapply in 1 month take the advice here it's pretty good and try to expose community to who you are more :D