Rejected ligma's Ban Appeal

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New member
Feb 8, 2025
Username: ligma

What is your Steam ID

What was the name you got banned under?

Ban Link

Why were you banned?
"Inappropriate Language"

Who banned you?
Christian Toaster

Why should we unban you?
I’m going to call out this blatant admin abuse. This clueless, belligerent incompetent being banned me at 7:06 AM in the morning. You can check the logs to see when I last joined the server, which was the day before, a full 9-10 hours prior. This so-called admin claims my language was "inappropriate," but there’s absolutely no evidence to back that up. To make matters more appropriate we can see the time I'm in the server was accompanied with other admins yet no ban was struck within the time of me being within the server. This admin has a history of making up so called evidence , most likely based on biased info from some buddy of theirs (probably a friend that follows them around like a lapdog). This isn’t the first time they’ve banned someone with no proof or explanation, as seen in previous cases (

This admin should have their permissions stripped. Their position is entirely unfit, as their emotional judgment is clearly clouding any sense of fairness or reason.


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Jul 18, 2023
We are looking into it right now.


Staff member
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CSGO Admin
Sep 12, 2024
is that the story you wanna stick with?


New member
Feb 8, 2025
is that the story you wanna stick with?
i dont take kind to intimidation, let alone in an authoritarian manner. Prefer just @Nuttin response on this one. Let me know what the consensus is and the proof or else i can just assume youre going to stick to a bias here. Thought thats how these appeals work, or else theirs no proof to claim this "inappropriate language" besides a 'my friend told me he said this' and my point still stands?
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CSGO Admin
Sep 12, 2024
I have a clip of you instigating the server to get everyone to say the n word at the same time "the admins wont be able to tell who did it", you then did a countdown for everyone to say it at the same time.

While you didn't say the word yourself, trying to stop us from doing our job like that while baiting players into breaking the rules makes you just as bad as them, if not worse.

Not only for that, but your behavior in this appeal is unacceptable. You will not only not be unbanned, but your ban length has been increased to a month. If you attempt to evade this ban by joining on another account, you will be permanently banned from IG Servers.


New member
Feb 8, 2025
I have a clip of you instigating the server to get everyone to say the n word at the same time "the admins wont be able to tell who did it", you then did a countdown for everyone to say it at the same time.

While you didn't say the word yourself, trying to stop us from doing our job like that while baiting players into breaking the rules makes you just as bad as them, if not worse.

Not only for that, but your behavior in this appeal is unacceptable. You will not only not be unbanned, but your ban length has been increased to a month. If you attempt to evade this ban by joining on another account, you will be permanently banned from IG Servers.
im sorry but

'While you didn't say the word yourself, trying to stop us from doing our job like that while baiting players into breaking the rules makes you just as bad as them, if not worse."

Point 1:
'While you didn't say the word yourself'

no rule is broken, no rule given the guidelines on the server state this a bannable offense

Point 2:
'behavior in this appeal is unacceptable'
Behavior in this appeal? Im not going to stoop down to the low level of not trying to defend my point due to some sort of authoritarian self given role? which leads back to my point stated before 'entirely unfit, as their emotional judgment is clearly clouding any sense of fairness or reason' Youre further providing evidence to my statement i started with.

Point 3:
' you then did a countdown for everyone to say it at the same time.'
Please, rewatch this 'clip' and realize everyone within this time frame disagreed and nobody chimed in on this 'social' given times joke as we were all commemorating the falsely hood of these bans given recently given new rule changes

Point 4:
'you will be permanently banned from IG Servers.'
I am being banned for the emotional stand point a staff member could not account towards let alone give a response to on his own?? I still label this as a complete biased towards this SECOND emotional response which is a complete utter joke and further provides my point of almost posse like behavior behind this staff's response?

Point 5:
'I have a clip of you instigating the server to get everyone to say the n word at the same time'
So my ban was not given for "Inappropriate Language" and further straying yourself from the adequate truth that some sort of hierarchy and bias is made on this emotional judgment given by, i assume your friend "Christian Toaster.

Point 6:
First ban appeal let alone complaint leads to a 1 mo ban due to me providing evidence and falsifying your given report? This completely insane and is this ban appeal or some sort of weird way to force someone to say sorry for something they didnt even do>?
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Staff member
Server Manager
CSGO Admin
Sep 12, 2024
While it is not a written rule, instigating others to break the rules (especially in that manner) is unacceptable and will be punished as if you were breaking the rule itself.

And you succeeded, you managed to actually get people to say the word, promoting a culture that we want no part of on Insanity Gaming. Please take this time to reflect and grow as a person.
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