Rejected hazard's Ban Appeal


New member
Feb 24, 2025
Username: hazard

What is your Steam ID

What was the name you got banned under?

Ban Link

Why were you banned?
for finding and doing a skip on easy2

Who banned you?

Why should we unban you?
the ban is bs. i found a very complex and precise skip on a map and took advantage of it. i spent a stupid amount of time figuring it out so i could take sr and then it immediately gets taken away from me for "exploiting" because retro told me to not do it yet he had no intention to remove it any time soon and other people have seen me practicing the skip so itd only be a matter of time before someone else would do it anyway and take credit for it.

hyena told me i'm not allowed to take any sr on any map if i don't take the exact route the current sr takes how would i know that the sr doesnt do the same exact thing i did anyway when the replay bot doesnt even work? and in cases where sr bot works should i be reporting people and using !calladmin every time i see anyone deviate from the SR route? i guess we are never allowed to find new, better ways to do maps. whatever route is taken by whoever tests the map before release=the route we are forced to take otherwise it's a ban lmao

the skip is similar to the easy1 skip in that u skip multiple stages however the skip i found is significantly harder to hit. nob did the easy1 skip and everyones times got wiped because of it probably like 5 times half a year ago yet he didnt get banned? why did no one get banned for the surf evo skip found very recently where u just fly off the map and skip from stage 5 to 8 and takes 0 skill?

sure, i'm sorry for ignoring retro when he said to not do the skip. but how can you blame me for wanting to get my first server record and knowing exactly how i can get it but having to sit back and let someone else who was trying to figure it out by speccing me get it instead -_- 1 month ban for that is complete horse shit


New member
Feb 24, 2025
also why no bans for any of the people that were noclipping to get records a few weeks ago or any of the other ACTUAL exploits? what about the derpis exploit where sr was able to skip stages by doing !sr mid run. yeah you disabled the map but no punishments were ever handed out for actual exploits that people took advantage of. this skip has been doable from day 1 on the server but no one had figured it out.


Staff member
Server Manager
Discord Booster
Jul 18, 2023
I am in favor of upping this punishment to longer ban. Hazard has been told many times to stop exploiting and is clearly deflecting to get unbanned. In my opinion surfers who do not want to surf a map the intended way and to find every exploit just for ranking are just coping. Stating that we never fixed the map is also BS because we did not port the map so therefore we cannot fix something that the porter did not fix himself. Maybe try surfing normally whenever your ban has been lifted if it ever is. Since i have been on this server I have only noticed you being the center of many problems and I'm honestly fed up with it. I vote to extend ban indefinitely.


New member
Feb 24, 2025
I am in favor of upping this punishment to longer ban. Hazard has been told many times to stop exploiting and is clearly deflecting to get unbanned. In my opinion surfers who do not want to surf a map the intended way and to find every exploit just for ranking are just coping. Stating that we never fixed the map is also BS because we did not port the map so therefore we cannot fix something that the porter did not fix himself. Maybe try surfing normally whenever your ban has been lifted if it ever is. Since i have been on this server I have only noticed you being the center of many problems and I'm honestly fed up with it. I vote to extend ban indefinitely.
"i'm the center of many problems" such as? nominating my favorite map too often since every time it gets played it gets either rtvd within a few mins because of people complaining that telehop is rng (its not) or because an admin decides to force change the map only if its on easy1.

seriously, what problems am i at the center of ?


Staff member
Community Director
Better Supporter
Mar 25, 2022
We are rejecting the appeal, you got banned because you exploited the map when being told not to do it, and then the ban was upped to 1 month due to you lying to me and saying it was possible in CSGO to defend yourself doing it while it is not possible. Honestly we were debating just perming you outright last night due to your antics and how you handled your ban so just take your month time out and come back with a better mindset.


New member
Feb 24, 2025
i sincerely apologize for my behavior recently. i have no valid excuse to offer. i'm not the person paying for the server nor am i the person managing it and to directly do exactly what the person who is paying for and managing the server said NOT to do was disrespectful and dumb.. furthermore i escalated the situation as i disagreed with the ban length and lack of punishment to others who are doing similar exploits. in hindsight i should have kept my mouth shut and reported what i believed to be abusive behavior whenever i witnessed it. unfortunately i'm hot headed and decided to fight with retro+admins instead. i don't deserve or expect to be unbanned for anything that was said after my ban was raised to 1month ban. i was being ridiculous and petty. ur server ur rules. anyway i just wanted to say sorry to retro for my behavior when you're the one paying to provide a place for the community to play on for free.