Any and all changes made to the Bhop server, currently listed at, will be published here 
July 16 2023
July 16 2023
- Server released under WIP (please report any bugs on the forums or discord)
- Added a #bhop-records channel in our discord ->
- Created Bhop forums section (hey thats here!)
- Shoutouts to @All Ts, @nimmy, and @Retro for helping with server setups
- Future Endeavors/Plans:
- Add more popular maps (will be done with time and suggestions, here or on discord)
- Tune map zones and add any missed zones (please report here and on discord)
- Fine tune server settings to be done properly
- Add more fun and/or serious !styles on the server (again, suggestions are welcome ^_^)
- Add models to !store for players to use and have fun with
- Build a playerbase (obv lol)