Username: ant
What is your Steam ID
What was the name you got banned under?
Homunclulus gaming
Ban Link
Why were you banned?
I was banned because I brought up a topic that was not allowed to be brought up.
Who banned you?
Why should we unban you?
I should be unbanned because I was unaware of the very recent decision to not bring up said topic without a warning, and the way I brought it up was indirect and not targeted to the individual. I now know not to bring it up and i wouldnt have had i known it was a bannable offence.
What is your Steam ID
What was the name you got banned under?
Homunclulus gaming
Ban Link
Why were you banned?
I was banned because I brought up a topic that was not allowed to be brought up.
Who banned you?
Why should we unban you?
I should be unbanned because I was unaware of the very recent decision to not bring up said topic without a warning, and the way I brought it up was indirect and not targeted to the individual. I now know not to bring it up and i wouldnt have had i known it was a bannable offence.