Hey there!
Donations are discounted, show us some love if you like what we're doing and become a Supporter for just $2.50.
And if you're looking for an even better experience, we're offering the upgraded Better Supporter for $5! It's no longer going to be a novelty, so grab it while you can.
It's new price will be dropped from $10 to $7.50 in the long term.
These are prices you can lock in, we will honor for as long as you have them.

Better Supporter will have higher credits/points generation across the servers, access to more models, better item access within the stores and more.
We're improving navigation with new pages and additions to make it easier. We understand that tying the donate page to user profiles can be inconvenient for those who want to explore without signing up. Stay tuned for a better user experience!

We're also working on making the donation perks a little better better overall. Better Supporter was just a meme, but we're going to lower it's price to $7.50 for the long term and make it actually better.
Despite our community's rapid growth, we're currently receiving $30-$40 in donations, despite hosting over 1000 unique players per week. This is becoming an issue and and will continue to be more of one unfortunately. To ensure stable player experiences and foster further growth, we need to prioritize upgrading our website (separate server) and game servers (dedicated server), starting with the more affordable option.
Thankfully, we've found a great deal for these upgrades, but your help would be greatly appreciated.If you enjoy our servers, please consider supporting us. The total amount we spend is about $125, which includes the necessary upgrades and legally purchased plugins for our FiveM server and forum. These plugins are designed to enhance player experience and ensure the longevity of our operation, while also supporting developers for their niche work and abiding by the law.Thank you so much for your support! We truly appreciate it and love having you here.
Staff and Discord
If you don't have any cash to cough up for us today help by applying for admin or if you're interested in doing pretty much any other type of help we would appreciate it!
Doing this helps us keep the servers and community safe. The point isn't to be a hall monitor.
Lastly, leaving votes and bumping our Discord server is helpful and a way for us to organically grow. If you have the time, please do that!
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.
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