We've brought on @Iota @ALEX (aka 3ni) and @CoLdStOnE as server managers.
Iota has already been a great member (smart kid) of the team being able to do all the basic server manager work coupled with helping find all kinds of general bugs and being a good admin.
Alex or 3Ni has been around a long time, is a great mapper, admin/sm, and funny overall guy. We're putting him on Bhop and a few other servers to let him "express" himself creatively. We're excited to see how it turns out.
CoLdStOnE has been one our main HNS admins but also one of the most active members of the community, he's going to keep HNS FRESH and NEW.
@nblock @Kurante and @Pan32 to developers.
nblock and Kurante have done great work on HNS, we just wanna give them greater access to do other work should they decide to do so.
Pan32 has also been around a long time, done great with Retro and we've given him ability to help with surf and other servers when he decides to do so.
@spooky will move up to lead the graphics team.
Leading the graphics and art team will hopefully thrust it more into something where people join to express their creative talent and help the community, we'd like to prevent it from growing into being just a channel we bark into when we need things. Spooky is a good guy, and puts hard work into things when he does them so I have faith he's the person we can try to foster this environment with. The team might get renamed a few times but it's purpose is an overall artistic team and media team, not just making fancy graphics.
For adminz we've added @SeekR, @Fading @riotously
Thanks everyone for your help, good luck in your new roles if you need any help check the admin or manager guides or contact us if you need any help.
If you are looking to help and don't know how feel free to ask us! We're always looking to recruit people or give people greater chances to help out!