We've partnered with The Modding Community aswell as brought @christian onto our Tech team, he's a busy man so he'll help when he's able to.
TMC is a natural progression of where modding in single and multiplayer games is headed.
A modern server browser, mod marketplace(free/paid), forum, and community pages are what makes us perfectly compatible. Modding Community has the opportunity to catch the eyes of gamers at large and potentially cause a shift in how major studios treat the communities who patch their games for free and keep them churning for decades- it's frankly an avenue that many normal gamers don't understand or haven't yet explored.
TMC plans to provide an integrated way to self-host open-source Godot browser embedded games while having them apart of a vast server list, which brings potential for us to host some fun party type games or possibly something much more ambitious. Many of these services have huge progress into them thus far and we love to see it.
Read more about TMC here, visit the site and join up with our community!