If you haven't seen Valve's Counter Strike 2 announcement post, check it out here!
If you didn't read the Spring Break update thread, that is definitely worth reading for information as well.
IG CS2 Plans and Development
Here's an important excerpt that was in relation to CS2, written before it's announcement:
Here's an important excerpt that was in relation to CS2, written before it's announcement:
With Source 2 in CS:GO being around the corner, we've begun to front run it by starting to bring back once great servers:
Servers currently in development
- CS:GO ZE ~ We picked up Roy awhile ago, who is essentially the father of Zombie Escape and he will be heading this project alongside using a completely rewritten core ZE plugin by both Retro and Cept for Her. There are some new features and an overall tone shift that will get rid of a lot of what has made ZE worse off in the long-run & we will foster a great community. While we won't be completely abandoning things like bosses or items we will be prioritizing the player experience and trying to turn down how much extra knowledge you'll need to play & enjoy the server while introducing new lite-features to make the player experience less boring.
- CS:GO TTT ~ We also picked up Gentoo awhile ago, and while the community has been slow on the roll for awhile we're making a push back in the direction of CS:GO TTT. GMOD TTT no doubt is a great way to experience the gamemode and we're going to be looking over a lot of what other CS:GO TTT servers have tried out and see what we can iterate over and improve upon. Weapon Balance, Item Balance and Solid Ruleset mixed with some experimental changes should keep everyone on their toes. This server will always be more of a work-in-progress, introducing new features, making adjustments, adding/creating/editing maps. I'm going to personally put some time into this one as well but we could honestly use a 2nd manager for this so if you have experience please reach out!
- CS:GO JB ~ This server is something I've always been very passionate about, and I'm going to be spending time on making sure we get it right. This is my 4th or 5th time making a JB server so I believe I know what works and what doesn't better than anyone out there.
This will be releasing with a custom map both Gentoo and I have been working on/off for the better part of 2-3 years now (its pretty damn cool) so I hope that is something to look forward to. We're definitely going to be trying to resurrect some old legends of the CS:GO Jailbreak community so they can enjoy this game mode the way it is meant to be enjoyed.
Secondly, we wanted to post about CS2 and the additional potential changes for IG going forward in regards to it:
Some things to note about CS2:
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/faqs/steam-help/view/5ED2-ED8E-81F4-0C18
What about SourceMod?

Source: https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Introdu..._games_continue_to_work_if_they_are_ported.3F
Here's the bad part.
There is potential for SourceMod to have some issues or be delayed quite awhile, it has it's own dependencies (Metamod).
It's hard to know what the problems that may arise might look like, but in either event- we have a plan!
Many servers can/may be pushed back to Counter Strike: Source if need be. Source aswell as TF2 always had a greater community server population than GO to begin with, so this isn't really all that tragic in the intermittent period as things are developed. There are also several legitimate improvements gained from using CS:S over GO or CS2. For example, CS:GO purposefully breaks the part of their engine that allows for proper physics. Minigame servers on CS:GO suffered a lot from this.
These changes would not be forever, but simply a way for us to keep some our servers alive in the event that what is currently possible on CS:GO takes more than the time we're comfortable with to manifest itself by the time summer comes around/comes to a close.
It's also worth noting that the community is waiting on a blog post from Valve (that they said they were making) about several of these pertaining issues. As we learn more about this and need to make decisions, we will keep people updated. We are dedicated to having up fast and hosting the best, most welcoming CS2 servers and keeping the fun that people have experienced alive for a whole new generation of players.
Enjoy your weekend and if you managed to get into the limited access feel free to post screenshots or clips in our discord!

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