Reduced fat kid playing video gam's Ban Appeal

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fat kid playing video gam

New member
Better Supporter
Jan 10, 2025
Username: fat kid playing video gam

What is your Steam ID

What was the name you got banned under?
Fat kid playing video games

Ban Link

Why were you banned?
I have no idea i haven't played in the last 30+ minutes server crashed for like 15+ and then apparently I'm banned

Who banned you?
christian toaster

Why should we unban you?
I'm not asking for an unban; I'm just wondering why. I don't see how I get banned when people say worse. the only thing I can think of was the word tranny which I didn't recognize was a slur simply because I was uneducated on that area, I simply thought it was a way of saying transgender but just shorter.

Christian Toaster FLOAT

CSGO Admin
CSGO Admin
Jan 18, 2025
its like a 3 day but prob will get reduced. saying you didn't recognize it as a slur is crazy tho. you knew what you were doing. i have a clip. just wait till tomorrow

fat kid playing video gam

New member
Better Supporter
Jan 10, 2025
its like a 3 day but prob will get reduced. saying you didn't recognize it as a slur is crazy tho. you knew what you were doing. i have a clip. just wait till tomorrow
Im okay with that. my only point I care about is just people say way worse and nothing happens or they just get one mute and that's that. if I have to wait 3 days in jail that's fine ill accept the punishment for my ignorance.

Christian Toaster FLOAT

CSGO Admin
CSGO Admin
Jan 18, 2025
for regards to other people, if i get a clip i will ban. but i cant catch every little thing. luckily more people are sending in clips so it makes the process easier.


Staff member
Community Director
Better Supporter
Mar 25, 2022
for regards to other people, if i get a clip i will ban. but i cant catch every little thing. luckily more people are sending in clips so it makes the process easier.
I will reduce the ban to 1 day, but the clarify this if you are sent a clip you arent allowed to ban people if you did not see it happen refer them to the player complaint section to make a complaint and we will look into it
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