Unbanned dylank24's Ban Appeal

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New member
Jul 19, 2023
Username: dylank24

What is your Steam ID

What was the name you got banned under?

Ban Link

Why were you banned?
I asked Kanna about my friend Wild. He proceeded to not answer me. Then I kept saying his name and he called me "Retarded". That is extremely offensive for a mod to be saying that. Unprofessional power abuse. He banned me once I called an Admin.. sounds like he was guilty.

Who banned you?

Why should we unban you?
I was asking a simple question and he banned me after I said I was calling an Admin when he called me retarded.

Cept For Her

heckin boof
Staff member
Community Director
Server Manager
Apr 11, 2022
After some discussion with @kanna, we came to the conclusion that your ban was premature, and a simple mute would have sufficed. This being said, you should not be spamming towards admins for any reason, especially asking about a specific user's ban. If that person is curious as to the nature of their ban, they are welcome to make an appeal here as you have, as well as check the reasoning listed under their ban at https://insanitygaming.net/bans/

All this being said, we are going to unban you as it is, but take this as a warning to not continue this behavior, or your ban may be reinstated.

If you have any further questions, feel free to dm me on discord
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