What is your Steam ID
What name(s) do you use on the server(s)?
How old are you?
What server(s) do you normally play?
GMod Hide & Seek
Have you been banned from Insanity Gaming before?
What qualifies you to be an admin at Insanity Gaming?
I played GFL back in 2016-2018 when I was like 12, and I did try applying but was obviously denied due to my age, Since then I worked my way up Neonlink darkrp server from a t-mod to senior admin managing 20 people working with community devs and overseers. overall, I just like the community and chilling on the server during my free time. I just thought applying would be an interesting thing to do.
What name(s) do you use on the server(s)?
How old are you?
What server(s) do you normally play?
GMod Hide & Seek
Have you been banned from Insanity Gaming before?
What qualifies you to be an admin at Insanity Gaming?
I played GFL back in 2016-2018 when I was like 12, and I did try applying but was obviously denied due to my age, Since then I worked my way up Neonlink darkrp server from a t-mod to senior admin managing 20 people working with community devs and overseers. overall, I just like the community and chilling on the server during my free time. I just thought applying would be an interesting thing to do.