Recent content by spooky

  1. spooky

    Rejected Hazard Player Complaint

  2. spooky

    Easy Surf Server Being Full

    if you believe the reserve slots aren’t working please post something in the discord about it. you should only need to re-connect one time after the server is saying its full to get in. i believe thats how the reserved slots work now. (also wrong area to submit this will fix this shortly)
  3. spooky

    Hello, Friends!

  4. spooky

    Approved heIp's Admin Application

  5. spooky

    Rejected willow's Ban Appeal

    This ban will stay permanent, we will not be looking into unbanning you anytime in the near future. you stating you're in a relationship with your sister and actively talking about it like there is no problem with that is good enough for a ban for me. This thread is closed and denied. 🤷‍♂️
  6. spooky

    Rejected willow's Ban Appeal

    You were banned for a plethora of reasons. reasons being: publicly claiming you are in an relationship with your sibling which mind you is illegal across all states of the US. advertising your socials in relation to this illegal relationship on our surf server where minors frequent. reports...
  7. spooky


  8. spooky

    Approved heIp's Admin Application

    could you extend further on “What qualifies you to be an admin at Insanity Gaming?”
  9. spooky

    Approved Aubrey's Admin Application

    accepted (no replies but taking them in under my discretion)
  10. spooky

    Approved khola's Admin Application

  11. spooky

    Rejected rodent's Admin Application

    rejected not awfully a good reason to become an admin (could just pretend)