Recent content by Retro

  1. Retro

    Rejected 2012's Ban Appeal

  2. Retro

    Rejected 2012's Ban Appeal

    You got banned for ban evading a perm ban from your alt Its pretty obvious the other 2012 is your other account Here is the original bans reason @hyena
  3. Retro

    Easy Surf Server Being Full

    I am working on fixing this, the reserved slot plugin we are currently using doenst work correctly and I am writing a new one that should work correct.
  4. Retro

    Reduced fat kid playing video gam's Ban Appeal

    I will reduce the ban to 1 day, but the clarify this if you are sent a clip you arent allowed to ban people if you did not see it happen refer them to the player complaint section to make a complaint and we will look into it
  5. Retro

    Rejected press's Ban Appeal

    Only why your getting unbanned for doxing is if the guy in question tells me to or if its been a long time. Let this be a time where you learn not every thought you have is a good one
  6. Retro

    Approved swuno's Admin Application

    I'm going to approve this seen you around a good amount and we do need more evening admins. I'll setup your perms tomorrow(remind me if i forget)
  7. Retro

    Approved Conejo's Admin Application

    isnt gay +support
  8. Retro

    Unbanned diuhn's Ban Appeal

    im waiting for him to respond if he remembers why he banned you.
  9. Retro

    Unbanned diuhn's Ban Appeal

  10. Retro

    Approved FITZUR's Admin Application

    woooo admin
  11. Retro

    Approved FITZUR's Admin Application

    +support loser
  12. Retro

    Reapply Louis's Admin Application

    Don't use AI to write your applications
  13. Retro

    Approved crunch's Admin Application

    but they fun, approved
  14. Retro


    no ur dooky