Recent content by Nuttin

  1. Nuttin

    Rejected willow's Ban Appeal

    Not PG friendly minors play on here its unacceptable.
  2. Nuttin

    Approved heIp's Admin Application

    +support although he might be an AI help desk unsure atm could go for a 1 week trial and see how it goes. murdering retro
  3. Nuttin

    Rejected ligma's Ban Appeal

    We are looking into it right now.
  4. Nuttin

    Approved crunch's Admin Application

    Solid regular of the server and has been increasingly active. Very good surfer, and level headed person. +support
  5. Nuttin

    Surf Maps

    I got my porter fixed new maps coming soon.
  6. Nuttin

    Approved Ominous's Admin Application

    Hmmm would of liked the ChatGPT more i think. +support
  7. Nuttin

    Reapply crunch's Admin Application

    I have seen you on but seem to be more on the quieter side which is not bad would like to see more activity/interactions. +/_ Neutral
  8. Nuttin

    Approved alan's Admin Application

    please link your steam and forums account
  9. Nuttin

    Approved hyena's Admin Application

    please link your steam and forums account
  10. Nuttin

    Approved alan's Admin Application

  11. Nuttin

    Surf Maps

    how very isleepinvc of you
  12. Nuttin

    Surf Maps

    artois is being worked on already just need to redo player clips
  13. Nuttin

    Surf Maps

    What are some maps you would like to see in CS2? Please leave them below any difficulty.