Recent content by Conejo

  1. Conejo

    Approved heIp's Admin Application

    +/- Neutral, I would like to see you on the forums more honestly. Just being on the server is good, question is are you in the discord? Do you frequent the server during times where it may be more necessary for an admin to be? As spooky said could you elaborate on what makes you a suitable...
  2. Conejo

    Approved idkyosh's Admin Application

    +Support glad to see you wanting back in on the team!! I'm also looking to get back into the team aswell. Big improvements coming.
  3. Conejo

    Hi there

    I drive recklessly under the speed limit. Without any signals ;)
  4. Conejo

    Approved Conejo's Admin Application

    What is your Steam ID STEAM_1:1:628475274 What name(s) do you use on the server(s)? CoNeJo How old are you? 25 What server(s) do you normally play? Easy Surf Have you been banned from Insanity Gaming before? No What qualifies you to be an admin at Insanity Gaming? I'm a previous...
  5. Conejo

    Guess who's back? [ISPOILER]

    Guess who's back?
  6. Conejo

    Reapply Kitten's Admin Application

    -support is white. jk +Support Seems to be very active, teaches new and existing players how to surf and how to better themselves at their weak points. Good luck!
  7. Conejo

    More promotions!

    This is very rigged @Retro
  8. Conejo

    Rejected Pluot's Admin Application

    +/-Support @Pluot is a good surfer and I see them on actively. As for helping new players or surfers can't say I see much of that. But that's always open for discussion. Doesn't talk but does text chat actively. I would consider a possibility. Let's hear from the others
  9. Conejo

    Reapply mgrim12's Admin Application

    -Support I've never seen you on surf whether it be time zone or just opposite days we play. But I'm going to stick with majority as well saying you need to be more active and play more during peak times. Even dead times at the least. Don't hear you talk either...
  10. Conejo

    Approved riotously's Admin Application

    Yes, but it seems you like to joke a lot; I think maturity may be an issue here. You have to know when to put the foot down and when not to. And I feel as though if a line was crossed that isn't universal someone could be inappropriately punished. I just think you should spend more time around...
  11. Conejo

    Approved riotously's Admin Application

    -Support Talked about being admin just for laughs and giggles. I do not think they would take this title seriously. Honestly, I've talked to riot multiple times in game, and I will say I DO NOT support this admin application.
  12. Conejo

    Approved SeekR's Admin Application

    +support I'm with bob on this one. He does a good job at keeping the peace sometimes, would be helpful for when some of us aren't on.
  13. Conejo

    Question of The Day #1

  14. Conejo

    Approved Captain Chlamydia's Admin Application

    -/+ Neutral Cons: Now I will have to say a few things about your app it's that it's lacking information and persuasion. i.e Any experience in Administrating? Any mod experience? What about this server makes you wanna be an admin. And why do you think you'd be a good fit? I think you may be a...