Recent content by Christian Toaster FLOAT

  1. Christian Toaster FLOAT

    Approved heIp's Admin Application

    +support would be an extremely great admin and i vouch for him 100%
  2. Christian Toaster FLOAT

    Reduced fat kid playing video gam's Ban Appeal

    for regards to other people, if i get a clip i will ban. but i cant catch every little thing. luckily more people are sending in clips so it makes the process easier.
  3. Christian Toaster FLOAT

    Reduced fat kid playing video gam's Ban Appeal

    its like a 3 day but prob will get reduced. saying you didn't recognize it as a slur is crazy tho. you knew what you were doing. i have a clip. just wait till tomorrow
  4. Christian Toaster FLOAT

    Rejected underpaid nuke employe's Admin Application

    -support lying his ass off and constantly says hard r. bad troll
  5. Christian Toaster FLOAT

    Approved Christian Toaster FLOAT's Admin Application

    What is your Steam ID STEAM_0:1:519759536 What name(s) do you use on the server(s)? Christian Toaster (F.L.O.A.T) How old are you? 20 What server(s) do you normally play? Easy Surf, Hard Surf Have you been banned from Insanity Gaming before? No What qualifies you to be an admin...